Avarice | Generosity |
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The sin of Avarice is considered to be the second of seven deadly sins, because avarice brings forth the evil: anger, envy and crimes. There is only one kind of justified avarice. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for truth, for they shall be satisfied.", Matthew 5:6. Thus, we can also understand, an insatiable thirst for knowledge is only justified. Avarice and its manifestations, greed and meanness, strive for the material wealth, ignoring the spiritual one. They multiply worries and concerns, leading to inner spite and aloofness, and continuously instigate fear for losses and anger towards possible competitors and enviers. The reason for avarice lies in the spiritual hunger and thirst, which are man's inherent since the day of his birth. But instead of saturating the soul with God, avid people try to stifle their dissatisfaction with wealth and earthly riches. To cure this vice, one must remember the words of Christ: "Do not gather and heap up and store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust and worm consume and destroy, and where thieves break through and steal. But gather and heap up and store for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust nor worm consume and destroy, and where thieves do not break through and steal; for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also”. |
Generosity is the abundance of the soul. The one who has is only able to give. And at the same time, generosity does not need to be paid; it is a reward itself, and if greed strips the soul, generosity enriches it. The more generous people give the richer they become. The very nature of the desire to be generous predesignate a positive course of events, and regardless of what you have been before you become better … Generosity is not only an ability to give, but accept gratefully as well, successfully communicating with people. It means denying any selfishness in actions and thoughts, being open to other people, willing to understand and accept. Generosity is an ability to give what is necessary and when it is necessary, to those who are in need, bringing use and not regretting afterwards, without self-conceit, publicity, superiority feeling or narcissism. Generosity is the golden mean between miserliness and wastefulness. A great many people use to say that if they had a lot of money, they would give them away. These people deceive themselves. "If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.", - Luke 16: 10-12. Possessing riches and willing to give have got nothing in common. Generosity is born by satisfaction, but not by extra money. If you wait until you feel the desire to give, you might have to wait till the end of the world. So don't wait for tomorrow to be generous, give something today. |